Of Mirrors and Images

me: Who are you? What others say you are?....What you believe you are?...What your loved ones see in you?...What you hate about yourself?...Who are you? ....What makes you, you?...Do you go with the flow or do you stand still and define yourself?...Are you like water, shaping yourself according to your surrounding or a square peg in a round hole?..Are you what you want to be or what you ought to be?...Are you what you were yesterday?..Are you what you will be tommorow?...Who are you? Can you recognise the woman in the mirror?...Is there more? ..Is there less?....Are there ideals aplenty or a sheer lack of it? ...Are you an optimist today or the antonym of it?..Can you ever..ever...define yourself...can you?...that woman you see,...staring back at you through the opaque transparency of the mirror of life..of time....are you her?..Are you sure?

ME- No, we will never be, but does it matter?.......Reflections don't matter....the mirror doesn't matter... after all you are real ... Not the image.. Break the mirror... forgo the image...cos you are evolving every moment..always in a state of flux...dynamic..restless..incessant....just like time...in fact you are time..you ARE this second ...no two moments are ever the same...the earth itself has moved a little more in a second, then how can you not??...look at you...not the ephemeral image...Break the mirror... forgo the image...look at YOU....and when you fail...ENCORE!!! ENCORE!!! ENCORE!!!...go on ..let me hear the cacophony of shattering glass and the heartening wails of the new born self...again and again and again...


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