She Found

She found...
Dark voids in lighted worlds
Cynical twists in blooming hope
Deep Regret in chasing shadows
Hidden Treachery in implicit faith
Obsolete blueprints of an unborn future
Aged young dreams and worn out memories 
Burnt remains of cheerful illusions

She found...
Warring demons, born of her misery
Her dark children of despair
Bitter truths revealing darker thoughts
A hardened heart and mutilated soul
Her delusions of morality 
Ripped of a pedestal of ideals 
She conceitedly built for herself

She found 
That she belonged, nor here, nor there. 
Nor joy, nor sorrow belonged to her.  
A desperate drowning existence
Gulping down cold reality
Choking her, Soaking her 
Provoking her, Destroying her 
Birthing in her an insanity unseen


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