Maybe today...

 Your face cradled in my palms, now fades in the winds of time.

Slipping through the feeble grasp of mortal memory; a wretched mime.

Our hands that reached out for each other when braving storms,

Now meet empty spaces;  never-filling voids.

My tears that brought you home now weeps alone in a corner.

Shielded by darkness, clothed by smiling pretenses.

My laughter that mingled with yours and enlivened our souls,

Echoes down halls of forced joie de vivre; crass, lifeless .

Maybe today I will feel it more, this smile that stretches my lips.

Maybe today my hands will find your face in my ageless longings.

Maybe today my tears will cease in acceptance of what is and can never return.

Maybe today my heart will become once more, mine.

Not a hollow droplet of existence swimming through the eddies of life.


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