My God...

 My God

Is different from yours!

In the calming facades of the temple archway 

Echoing prayerful murmurs, I find God

In the sonorous echoing of the church bell,

Replete with notes of gratitude, I find God

In the prayer calls from the mosque 

Laid down in thorough supplication, I find God

In the kind smile of a stranger, 

In the outstretched hands of friendship, I find God

In the sweet squabbles between siblings,

In the caring hands of my parents, I find God

In the mischievous eyes of my daughter,

In the bittersweet memories of my love, I find God

In the echoing grief and fledgling smiles

In the mitigated heart and pacified rebellion, I find God

In the rugged paths and remarkable coincidences

In the lessons learnt and the dangers unseen, I find God

In the remembered warmth of an earnest hug,

In the surging courage of my heart, I find God


My God

Is different from yours?


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