If only...

DISCLAIMER: My poems are in fact condensed moments of heightened emotions. Penned here are bleak and dark thoughts that strangely leave me happy but might seem suicidal. But this is not how I feel for days at a stretch or even hours. This process is cathartic. In fact, it can be described as healing at the mouth of the monster, if you may. It is at the end of such thoughts that the contrasting reasons for living come to the forefront. Sometimes after a lot of teasing, sometimes almost immediately. But that is ok...For I find courage despite my dark thoughts....or maybe due to it. Go figure:-).

If only I could die

So as I lose mobility in my limb

I could, into your arms, fly.

If only I could succumb

To darkness, so I could see

The flashing of your bright smile

If only I could fall

Into the spiral of emptiness

To vanquish the void within me 

If only I could end,

So I could start in your presence

There where clocks don’t have hands

If only ….


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