The Bridge Within Me.

Like arrows through my heart
Black blood flowing through my soul
I wanted it to stop...but it din't
There was hatred in my heart
And I couldn't stub it..overflowing hatred..
Not a word fell out of my mouth
That was not tainted by spite
It is destroying me, I know..
Burning me from inside
But for now I will let it flow free
Like the tears I can barely feel
Every pore in my body is submerged in despair
A despair that threatens to drown the joy
I had built in me inch by inch..
If a bond so passionate can be broken
By words, weak but cruel
How can any relationship survive
This unreasonable hatred
Is burning the bridge I am trying to cross
Am I to loose out on joy again
Because of a few unfortunate words
And this devious parasitic emotion
Or am I going to untangle myself
From the black vines of hatred
And find the bridge within me,
Before it burns down?


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