Conversations with a shadow

me: Where does the pain go
ME: Nowhere..its here
me: Then?
ME: You learn to live with it
me: How?
ME: One day at a time.
One tear at a time.
One smile at a time.
You learn to live with it
Sometimes buried
Sometimes exposed
No right or wrong
Just live
As well as you can..
me: Am "I" still here
ME: Sort are here..but you have changed
me: How?
ME: The way life changes one
me: Will I ever smile like that again
ME: You still do ..every time you look at him
me: But there is pain even then
ME: Yes..
me: Will it stop?
ME: Do you want it to?
me: no..i guess
ME: Why?
me: Cos then it means have forgotten him
ME: SO, the pain is quintessential for you to remain connected to him.
me: Yes, in a way
ME: Then you have become ME..
lets stay together..
in pain and joy...
after all
only you truly belong to me
Not him or her...
not father or mother
brother or sister
husband or daughter


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