
The ME who I met yesterday
On the surface of a pale blue mirror
Fails to recognise the Me of today.
Every moment, lived and suffered,
Every thought, voiced and buried,
Every face, seen and unseen,
Every word, heard and unheard,
Every tear, spilled and swallowed,
Induces in me an awaited death ,
And a torturous rebirth
Every Wish, Every Dream,
Every Regret, Every Memory,
Draws me differently and truly;
Vivid sketches of a capricious self
The Princess who was born today,
Found nights in her day and faded away.
The Princess who was born Yesterday,
Saw the darkness of light and faded away.
Princess for a moment, Beggar for the rest,
A Queen only at Deaths footsteps
Fading Now..
Born in the morn 


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