It is all you seek may lose the love of your life to fate and no matter how hard you hold on you will feel it slipping away..your memories might betray you but your heart will never let you may feel like an endless journey from one loss to another...every time you give out a little bit more of your heart and eternity snatches it away are left behind with imprints of joy and peace that fade away with the winds of time....and you realise that...

Love is the rope that keeps you from falling
Love is the hands that mould your heart
Love is the words that breath life into your soul
Love is the potion that immortalizes another
And yet
Love is the poison which you drink without care
Love allows you to be born again and yet it kills you
Love can heal and yet cut you with unbearable pain
Love can burn and yet leave you cold
Love can free you and yet hold you enslaved for life
And yet
It is all you seek


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