Love Asks...

"Why live anymore?", love asks her own fading image, in earnest
She says, grief glances at  me with a patronising smile. ..
Death holds hands with clarity and turns it's back on me....
Loneliness hugs the hollowness of living and abandons me..
Life bares it's teeth at me and renders my dreams, in fear, putrid and vile
My hope rots at the face of threatening reflections and rancid thoughts   
"Why live any more?", love asks her own fading image, in earnest
Amidst this misery, Life whispers her answer, true, but to love, inaudible
She is left with no choice, but to mercilessly punish her host 
To live with an eternally guilty self and yet unrepentant soul
To live with death, grief and loneliness, with no peace or rest.
To live and to die in the same moment..To live with memories lost

A the days go by ...I look at every relationship with lesser interest and emotion. .Each when severed by deaths horrific grasp will leave me in pain..empty and incomplete..isn't it time for me to harden. forgo bonds I have forged...can I live without feeling.. .why do I leave my wounds wide open if it only takes a gentle breeze to invoke this mind numbing pain. ..maybe the question should be..why am I so human...why cant i open my eyes to the deception of life and accept death's cold honesty.


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