A Widow's Soul

To be a widow means ... 
To feel afraid at all times even when everyone is throwing light on the roads to your future...
To feel lonely when surrounded by friends and family who waits for you to smile again...
To feel fiercely insecure when walls of comfort are being built for you..
To feel loved yet thirst for more as the only one who can quench your parched heart has vanished...
To remind yourself about your loss every time you see your life unfurling in rhythm with a forgetful world....
To feel married all the time but feel unmarried every time you see another...
To fear the loss of your dignity in the face of invincible, debilitating sorrow...
To see every object he touched and every day in a different light...
To lose your joy to the past and rediscover your peace through memories...
To live praying that the one you lost is the only one who can touch your heart ..
To live hoping that you never forget his face and his touch, his warmth and his smell....


  1. Ahh Those are my exact feeling and what i go through feeling everyday...


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