To my Daughter

To my daughter

Today..I am at a loss for words when you ask me about your dad. But I do want you to know this.....

He is there in the rain drops that drench you with joy
He is there in the breeze that wipes your frown away
He is there in the morning sun that fills your life with hope
He is there in the bright moon that brightens your dark nights

He is there in every unexpected favour and kind word
He is there in every tear drop that rolls down your face
He is there in every hand that stalls your fall
He is there in every hug and word that comforts you

He is there to whisper into Gods ears every one of your prayers
He is there in your smile and in every joyful moment
He is there in your heart every time it beats in excitement
He is there walking with you irrespective of the road you chose

As he always wanted to be, always has been and always will be
He is in you..Feel his warmth..Feel his love and you shall see
What I see every time I look at your heart
He lives...He lives in you and for you...never forget


  1. one day when arshi grows up she will understand and you will have 2 sit down n tell her all of it.....ot leave out anything :-)


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