Time, why are you so merciless?
Each Day, refuses to die in haste, 
Each Night is one of painful rebirth,
Of pain, intense and eternal.
Often I feel the need to abandon, 
Hope and this distressing life.
But I fight this dark enslavement
Again, and again and again!

Time, why are you so impenitent
With each second that goes by 
The sorrow magnifies..
The joy doesn't return..
The loneliness sucks me dry..
And you tell me ..live...
Savour what is left of your life...
Again, and again and again!

Time, why are you so callous?
Though living is not easy,
For the Trust of a daughter,
For the Sacrifice of a Husband,
For the Love of a Mother,
For these alone, I will survive.
These priceless emotions, I will relive,
Again, and again and again!

Time, when will you halt?
After I have done justice to my duties/
When its all over and she is ready,
I will, to my daughter, whisper ...
Its time to leave, Its time to let me go.
For far too long have I been away,
I dream of that day, everyday..
Again, and again and again!

Time, have you heard of my resolve?
With time, I shall fight you till the end
And when the sweet sound of death beckons me,
Him, shall I meet!
Our souls, still young; Our hearts, never cold;
Our love, intact; Our joy, rekindled!
My prayers, seek this,
Again, and Again and Again!

My best friend told me, "Thank God for Arshi", and I knew I was lucky to have someone who knows me like that because its true. Thank God for her..its only for her that I fight against the enslavement of my soul by sorrow..only for her do I feign strength though there is none..only for her do I smile through my tears...only for the sake of a mother's love do I live...


  1. indhu kutty. .....so much pqin in this babe....Iwish I knew how to take it away....I really do...I love u babe


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